208V UPS Start-Up Service, Regular Hours, 350 mi. range - excludes on-site warranty service
Additional Information
- UPC: null
- Manufacturer: TRIPPLITE
- Specifications
- Input Phase: Single-Phase
- Downloads: {"documents":[],"miscellanous":[{"url":"https:https:\/\/www.tripplite.com\/resellers\/imageSearch\/mid\/3921","title":"Download images for this product"}]}
- Manufacturer Product URL: https://www.tripplite.com/208v-ups-start-up-service-regular-hours-350-mi-range-excludes-on-site-warranty-service~W02BW0/
- Packaging
- Certifications
- Details: "Overview\nRegular business hours start up for single-phase, 208 volt UPS suite (up to 16 KVA does not include SU12KRT, SU16KRT and SU20KRT and their derivative models) including primary rack mount battery pack and up to two auxiliary rack mount battery packs for locations within 150 miles of a covered service area. Contact Tripp Lite for current service areas. Excludes on site warranty. Additional charges apply for additional battery packs or cabinets."
- List price: No